Don’t let maintenance, mechanical or decking issues spoil the fun. Keep an eye out for these common pool issues to keep on swimming for seasons to come.

When it comes time to get a pool inspected, there are more than a dozen areas of consideration for a certified AmeriSpec pool inspector to investigate. Through years of experience, these inspectors have identified the four most common types of pool problems that can lead to bigger issues down the road if not addressed now.

1. Pool Electrical Issues

Anytime electricity is in a wet environment, extra care should be taken. It’s best to rely on a pro to handle diagnosis and repair, but the following are quite common when it comes to pools:

  • Bad or missing ground-fault circuit interrupters (GFCI). These fast-acting circuit breakers shut off electricity and help prevent electric shock.
  • Damaged or missing pool lights.
  • Improperly installed junction boxes or old-style junction boxes. Junction boxes, most commonly used for pool lighting, should be updated to meet current codes.

2. Pool Interior & Pool Deck Hazards

Often, pool interior and pool deck issues are more noticeable, as these are components that make a pool, well, a pool. If you notice any changes in the following, it’s best to investigate and address them now.

  • Deteriorated or damaged pool shell or plaster. Small cracks or tears can lead to leakage and seepage. And, if not repaired, these can turn into larger, more costly fixes down the road.
  • Improperly bonded metal around the pool. Bonding, or connecting, metal around a pool helps eliminate electric voltage differences. This is in addition to grounding any electrical equipment.
  • Unlevel water levels. Depending on your location, this may be an indicator of geological issues.
  • No anti-vortex drain covers. An anti-vortex drain cover, in compliance with federal law, helps prevent excessive suction created from a drain and pump combination.

3. Pool Equipment & Connection Issues

Dysfunctional pool equipment can lead to a whole host of problems if they are ignored. Not only can one malfunction impact another piece of equipment (a clogged filter may cause pool pump issues, for example), they can shorten the lifespan of expensive equipment, too.

  • Deteriorated, damaged or improperly vented heaters. Whether you have a solar, gas or electric pool heater, these expensive accessories should be properly installed and maintained.
  • Equipment leaks. Hardware like a pool pump may drip slowly or gush with a larger leak, and it can lead to corrosion of surfaces and equipment surrounding it.
  • Dirty filters. Common types of filters include sand, diatomaceous earth (DE) or cartridge. All three require different maintenance, but if they are dirty or clogged, your pool water will be murky and it’s possible you’ll have pool pump issues, too.

4. Absent Anti-Drowning Safety Measures

Depending on your state and local regulations, certain anti-drowning safety measures may or may not be required. The certified AmeriSpec pool inspector near you will help make safety a priority at your pool. Common anti-drowning safety measures include:

  • Appropriately sized pool fencing. Recommendations usually require fences to be at least four feet tall and have four sides. They also shouldn’t be climbable, and should have a self-closing, self-latching gated entrance that opens away from the pool.
  • Pool alarms. Whether monitoring the surface of the pool (detecting splashes or waves) or at entrances to the pool deck, alarms can provide additional safety and a life-saving heads up if someone enters the pool without supervision.
  • Safe pool cover. Your pool cover should be able to safely handle the weight of a child in case they accidentally walk on it. Some pool covers even lock in place.

When it comes to pools, there’s a golden rule: If you spend more time on maintenance, you’ll spend less on repairs.